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Sleep or Exercise? How do you continue to exercise when you are sleep deprived?
Our body needs sleep in order to function physically, psychologically, emotionally and cognitively. I realised this while suffering from...

5 top tips for the postpartum period from Women’s Health Physio Claire Sinnott
Something I am passionate about sharing is finding the best healthcare and information for women during the evolution of becoming a...

How Much Exercise Do You Need During Pregnancy?
I often get asked how much and what exercise is best during pregnancy and while there is not set amount and it is completely dependent on...

3 Exercises You Can Do Post Baby
Congratulations!!! You are a mum! How exciting, I hope you are coping and managing to get some sleep! You most likely don’t have much...

Child’s Play – Why play is vital for children.
There is so much conversation around play. It seems to be a hot topic in child development and education. Play is an activity so...

Resistance Training during pregnancy
I have found during this pregnancy I lose so much strength during those initial 14-15 weeks as I only really walked due to fatigue and...

Pregnancy & Exercise – What, When and How?
Pregnancy is overwhelming enough as it is, your body is changing before your eyes, you have a world of unknown ahead and there is so much...

I am not my anxiety.
I suffer from anxiety. I am not my anxiety but sometimes it gets the better of me. It has become worse since entering motherhood. I read...

Finding the balance between screen time and green time
Liz Dawson: Accredited Exercise Physiologist Do you have a love-hate relationship with kids and their screens? At times, there is nothing...

Peachy Perfect
What is with all the butt exercises? The obvious conclusion for this new-found obsession, is that everyone, (guys included) wants a...

The postpartum bod- the ultimate test of patience
Having completed a number of crazy endurance events in the past including ironman triathlon in 2014, my ridiculous thoughts when I fell...

Why boredom is a parent’s greatest Christmas gift
“I’m Bored” – sound familiar? With Christmas holidays approaching, you are probably about to hear it a whole lot more. But reacting to...

Getting Back to Basics: The Lunch Box Debate
Liz Dawson: Exercise Physiologist, Pilates Instructor, Mummy The old term ‘you are what you eat’ is kind of hard to ignore when it holds...

Pregnancy for the Control Freak Perfectionist
Liz Dawson: Accredited Exercise Physiologist: Pilates Instructor: Mum: Ex-control Freak I am 35 and for as long as I can remember I have...

How to keep the family active over school holidays
It’s winter, it’s school holidays and sometime we need a bit of a nudge to put the screen down, ditch the coffee cup and put the sneakers...

Staying on Track This Easter
By Rebekka Frazer (Accredited Practising Dietitian) Let’s face it, it’s not really Easter Sunday that gets you off track, is it? It’s...
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