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Resistance Training during pregnancy
I have found during this pregnancy I lose so much strength during those initial 14-15 weeks as I only really walked due to fatigue and...

Pregnancy & Exercise – What, When and How?
Pregnancy is overwhelming enough as it is, your body is changing before your eyes, you have a world of unknown ahead and there is so much...

CHILD DEVELOPMENT – What does a child need most?
Child development is on every parent’s mind, we have a bit of anxiety around how our child is going to progress. So the best and only...

Emotional Development & Movement for Kids
Emotional regulation is one of the biggest challenges and developmental stages for a young child and their family. They are having new...

I am not my anxiety.
I suffer from anxiety. I am not my anxiety but sometimes it gets the better of me. It has become worse since entering motherhood. I read...

Ready Set Prep-Child Development & Gross Motor Skills
The transition into the first year of school or prep is a huge milestone for many kids. It can often be daunting for both parent and...

Finding the balance between screen time and green time
Liz Dawson: Accredited Exercise Physiologist Do you have a love-hate relationship with kids and their screens? At times, there is nothing...

Staying positive when winter gets you down
It’s been a cold winter here in Brisbane and our first with a babe in childcare. Given my profession, working with children and my past...

Clumsy Kids
‘My child can barely can stay up right, it is hard not to get frustrated with them but they just slop around the place all day long.’...

Peachy Perfect
What is with all the butt exercises? The obvious conclusion for this new-found obsession, is that everyone, (guys included) wants a...

Crazy about crawling
There is no doubt that as new mums we hear that crawling is one of the most important milestones in our baby’s development. But there is...

Building resilience in our youngsters
Protecting your children from the world and keeping them from harm’s way is a natural inclination, however wrapping them up in cotton...

The postpartum bod- the ultimate test of patience
Having completed a number of crazy endurance events in the past including ironman triathlon in 2014, my ridiculous thoughts when I fell...

How to get kids to work their core
I often get asked in my line of work, how to get kids to turn on their core. Whether its growing pains, sinking in the pool, instability...

Why boredom is a parent’s greatest Christmas gift
“I’m Bored” – sound familiar? With Christmas holidays approaching, you are probably about to hear it a whole lot more. But reacting to...
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