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How to promote baby development in the first month of life.

You have been pregnant for what feels like eternity and all you can think about it keeping bub safe and doing the right thing for you for your bub. Its been an anxious wait to finally meet that darling bub of yours. Now bub is earth side and you have this rush of overwhelm come over you, you have more than just you to think about! You have to keep this previous little being safe and sound and you have absolutely no idea on how to do that. Aahhhh welcome to motherhood. Those first few weeks are all about feeding and sleeping and finding your groove but here are a few tips on promoting development for your new bub in those first 4 weeks of life.

– Nappy free time and lots of encouraging their legs to move and kick around

– Skin to skin contact. Getting them in a few mins tummy time on your chest, tummy or lap after a feed when they are happy to do so.

– Lying on the floor with them and experimenting with movement and different positions, sounds and toys.

– Your face and voice is their favourite thing right now and will promote the most interaction so talking to them throughout the day and looking into their eyes is so good for them. (Note you will also need adult time, a friend told me to talk to 3 x adults a day so you don’t go a bit cray talking to yourself).

– LOADS of physical and eye contact, think massage, patting and face cuddles

– Mobile over their cot

– Bright colours in soft books and toys

– Gently introducing them to new sounds and people

This is such a special time and bonding with your baby through touch and talking to them will most definitely come naturally. Try not to overcomplicate and overthink things. The best thing is to do what feels natural to you.


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