The Magic of Early Intervention: Unlocking Your Child's Potential
Ever wondered why everyone keeps talking about early intervention like it’s some kind of magical spell? Well, guess what—it kind of is! Today, we're diving into the awesome world of early intervention and why it’s a game-changer for our little ones. We don’t recommend waiting and seeing we are all about supporting and growing, and let’s explore this amazing topic together!
Brain Power: The Early Years Are Golden
Did you know your child’s brain is like a super sponge in the early years? This period of rapid brain development is called neuroplasticity (fancy, right?). It means their brains can adapt and change quickly, making it the perfect time to introduce new skills. Early intervention takes full advantage of this golden period, helping your child develop cognitive, motor, and social skills faster than you can say “neuroplasticity”!
Smarter, Stronger, Happier
Imagine your child excelling in school, making friends easily, and handling emotions like a champ. Sounds like a dream, right? Early intervention can make this dream a reality. Kids who get early support often perform better academically, need fewer special education services, and grow up to be more independent. It's like giving them a head start in the race of life!
Tiny Steps, Big Gains
Let’s talk about those tiny steps that lead to big gains. Early intervention helps kids learn essential skills right when they need them. From speaking their first words to taking their first steps, every milestone becomes a victory. Plus, it can address behavioural, cognitive, physical, language issues before they become a big deal, helping your child navigate social interactions smoothly.
Happy Parents, Happy Families
Early intervention isn’t just for kids—it’s for parents, too! Programs often include training and support for parents, empowering you to be the best caregiver your child could ever have. This not only reduces stress but also strengthens the bond between you and your little superstar. And let's be real, a happy, less-stressed career makes for a happier family!
Saving Dollars and Making Sense
Now, let’s get down to the nitty-gritty—saving money. Investing in early intervention can actually save big bucks in the long run. How? By reducing the need for expensive services later on. The Research Speaks
Still need convincing? Let’s look at some cool studies:
Did you know:
Children aged 36 - 60 months should be participating in a minimum of 3 hours of physical activity per day (Eichner-Seitz et al., (2023)
Children aged 5 - 17 require a minimum of 60 minutes of physical activity daily (Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), 2022)
While these guidelines above are very achievable for children of these age groups, the ABS (2022) revealed that only a staggering 5.6% of children are currently meeting these requirements.
Research proves that physical inactivity and sedentary behaviour are strong risk factors for the development of chronic disease that ultimately result in morbidity and mortality; not only this but the flow on effects of poor health due to insufficient activity levels places dire economic burdens on individuals (Kumar et al., 2015). Currently it is estimated that 50 - 75% of children who are obese will remain obese throughout adulthood (Kumar et al., 2015). The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (2023), reported that physical inactivity cost Australians $2.4 billion per year, however, thanks to individuals who were meeting physical activity guidelines $320 million was saved.
Now you may be thinking how is this relevant to me? While early intervention not only has remarkable health benefits for children and improves areas of performance by 71 - 76% (Case-Smith, 2013); but by exposing children to the required exercise guidelines massive economical savings can be made for you and your family. It was estimated that those who are inactive have an annual health expenditure of $2135, and those who are insufficiently active have a health expenditure of $1060 more per year when compared to those meeting the physical activity guidelines (Towne et al., 2018). Therefore, by implementing exercise regimes from an early age, the pressure of the physical inactivity burden which is currently consuming Australian individuals will be relieved.
The Bottom Line
Early intervention is like giving your child and you a magical toolkit filled with everything they need to succeed. It’s about making the most of those precious early years to set them up for a bright, happy future. So, if you’re thinking about it, dive in! Your child’s brain—and future—will thank you.
Remember, every small step counts. Here's to unlocking your child's full potential and making every moment magical!
Case-Smith, J. (2013a) ‘Systematic reviews of the effectiveness of interventions used in occupational therapy early childhood services’, The American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 67(4), pp. 379–382. doi:10.5014/ajot.2013.007872.
Kumar, B., Robinson, R. and Till, S. (2015) ‘Physical activity and health in adolescence’, Clinical Medicine, 15(3), pp. 267–272. doi:10.7861/clinmedicine.15-3-267.
Eichner-Seitz, N., Pate, R.R. and Paul, I.M. (2023) ‘Physical activity in infancy and early childhood: A narrative review of interventions for prevention of obesity and associated health outcomes’, Frontiers in Endocrinology, 14. doi:10.3389/fendo.2023.1155925.
Physical activity (2022) Australian Bureau of Statistics. Available at:,9.9%25%20compared%20to%203.7%25). (Accessed: 05 August 2024).
Sport and exercise save the Australian health system more than they cost in injuries (2023) Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. Available at: (Accessed: 08 August 2024).